Brilliantly simple.

Power conversion, energy storage, hydrogen production, software and monitoring, all in one simple-to-install system. 
The ElektrikGreen product line combines state-of-the-art components and patented software that work together efficiency to ensure you have what you need when you need it.

Clean energy for everyone.

Our products are scalable to fit your needs from 1 kW of backup electricity to 1 MW of hydrogen production. The plug-and-play nature of the system makes it simple to connect to renewables or install with hydrogen fueling outlets. We monitor the system’s performance remotely to ensure everything is working efficiently.   

Residential & Commercial Energy Storage

The ElektrikGreen Firefly was created to ensure homeowners and businesses have 24/7 access to power. It is a Long Duration Energy Storage (LDES) solution that is completely carbon-free and provides backup electricity for days to weeks. A single Firefly can provide up to 20 kW of electricity which can power a basic home for 24 hours non-stop.  Pair Fireflys together if you need more kW of power or add additional hydrogen tanks to extend the duration of the power supply.  

By connecting the Firefly to renewables like solar panels, you can make “Green” hydrogen which is by far the best choice as a storage medium – better for the environment, more sustainable, and longer-lasting than batteries. Adding a Firefly to your solar system makes it possible to keep the electricity you’re already generating and use it when you need it. Plus you get a 30% tax credit!

Isn’t it time you get to use the electricity you’re making from your own solar investment?  Contact us!

Emergency & Portable Power

Severe weather events, rolling blackouts, emergency blackouts. Regardless of the reason, the result is the same. The utility grid is shut down leaving customers without power. We all rely on electricity to work from home, heat and cool our homes, refrigerate our food, and drive our vehicles. Toughing it out by candlelight is not an option. 

The ElektrikGreen Trailer-Mounted Firefly is a portable powerhouse that provides flexibility for multiple uses including emergency power when the grid fails or direct hydrogen fueling. This self-contained system is mobile and can be deployed quickly when and where it’s needed. Paired with optional solar panels, it can generate hydrogen from the sun during the day and provide power at night. 

Can you see your house with the lights on when everyone else’s are out?  Contact us!

Commercial & Industrial Hydrogen Production

The days of shipping in costly hydrogen to operate your business are over. The ElektrikGreen H2Pro is a modular system of electrolyzers daisy-chained together to produce hydrogen on-the-fly. No more waiting on supply chain carriers or risking shut-downs due to delays. You can now make your own hydrogen on-site safely and securely.

The beauty of this system is that it can easily scale to meet your needs and if one electrolyzer needs maintenance, the rest of the system continues to produce hydrogen. This is unlike large-scale electrolyzers that completely shut down when one component fails. The H2Pro allows electrolyzers to be swapped out if needed with only a slight reduction in overall performance. Plus you can get up to $3/kW tax credit!

Aren’t you tired of waiting for your hydrogen to arrive?  Contact us!

Hydrogen Fuel Filling Station

Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (FCV) are becoming more prevalent in the U.S. because they can refuel faster and have a longer range than electric vehicles. Car manufactures such as Toyota, Honda, Hyundai, and Mercedes-Benz are already selling these emission-free vehicles and large fleets of transit buses across the country are powered by hydrogen. 

For early-adopters who own an FCV, the ElektrikGreen H2GO can be used as an at-home refueling station by adding an optional fuel filler connected to the hydrogen storage tanks.

Do you want a cleaner, longer-lasting ride that you can fuel at home? Contact us! 


Microgrids & Smart Connected Communities

ElektrikGreen supports communities that are connected to shared renewables or a distributed microgrid. These “smart” neighborhoods are taking advantage of the economic and environmental benefits of renewables even if they can’t install a rooftop system or they prefer to be independent of the main utility grid. 

Adding an AEM Multicore maximizes shared benefits by providing capacity for excess energy production, help with balancing peak usage periods, backup during power outages, and the drive toward a carbon-free environment. When you need Megawatt-scale green hydrogren, this system is for you. 

Are you looking for a smarter, modular way to produce a lot of hydrogen? Contact us!

ElektrikGreen is bringing clean hydrogen storage to homeowners and businesses in the United States. Contact us to find out how you can pre-order the system.

Be a part of the movement to a cleaner, greener hydrogen economy.